May 28, 2024

Crow's Random Events Table


Crow's Random Events Table

    The seasons make their rounds in every campaign world, and major events have a way of shaping the lives of their inhabitants. If you're looking to add a little randomness to your campaign, this is the chart we used many times over the years to instigate big changes across Eldea. We actually rolled the 'Ripples in Time' result once (#97) and that became the next year of play. I plan on using this at the beginning of my next campaign to jolt the world out of its peaceful slumber.

01-05  Life proceeds as normal.

06-08  Public celebration, festival, or holiday.

09-10  Popular trade items enter the region.

11-13  New philosophy or religious belief infuses from a nearby area.

14-16  Minor taxes imposed on a certain import/export item or produce.

17-19  Minor taxes imposed on every household.

20-22  Public unrest or demonstration.

23-25  Minor drought affects crop production; prices increase 5-20%.

26-28  Fire breaks out in public area or buildings.

29-31  Minor to heavy flooding in low-lying areas due to 2-12 days of heavy rainfall.

32-34  Public trial, imprisonment and/or execution of a popular local hero.

35-37  Severe winter cold snap or sever heat wave strikes area for 1-3 weeks.

38-40  Major invention or discovery affects culture in some aspect (scientific, cultural, political, etc.)

41-42  Traitorous activities or spy ring uncovered trying to undermine local institutions.

43-44  Migration of populace into or out of region (political, military or economic refugees.)

45-46  Excavation uncovers an underground ruin (dungeon complex) of ancient origin.

47-48  Appearance of “holy” relic causes influx of pilgrims to site.

49-50  Blight or pestilence affects crop yield; causes food shortages and cost increase 20-50%.

51-52  Mysterious crime wave affects a region (idiosyncratic thefts, arson, or bizarre ritualistic murders are possibilities.

53      Tornado (inland) or hurricane (coastal) damages homes and fields.

54-55  Fanatics/zealots enter area to conduct inquisitions (ethnic or religious “cleansing”             of the population.)

56-57  Kidnapping or assassination attempt of an important political or social figure.

58-59  Charges of governmental scandal becomes public (bribery, sex scandal, corruption, etc.)

60-63  Attack on outlying area by a singular or unique monster.

64-65  Minor skirmish or raid versus a non-allied military force.

66      New lands are discovered overseas, and colonization is encouraged.

67-68  Major new taxes are imposed by a greedy and corrupt ruling body. Widespread civil unrest and rioting.

69-70  Gold Rush! Valuable mineral deposits discovered on unclaimed territories. Possible currency devaluation.

71-72  A dry spell results in brush and forest fires over hundreds of acres. Villages and towns threatened.

73-74  Escaped lunatics or roving bandits terrorize populace.

75-76  Astronomical event (such as an eclipse or comet) causes mass panic & suicide.

77-78  Important tournament/joust is held, establishing local heroes/champions.

79      Tsunami deluges coastal area, damaging port cities and disrupting trade.

80-81  Powerful Spell-user and their underlings move into town; conflict with local guild ensues.

82-83  Severe economic depression sets in; merchants lose business, poverty and hardship are commonplace.

84-85  Consumption of “ergotized” bread causes localized hallucinations and madness among the population.

86-87  Revolt or rebellion by one faction of armed forces or city guard.

88-89  Freakish weather conditions such as ice fall, rain of frogs, fish, etc.

90      Meteor strikes outside urban area; causes panic and doomsaying in addition to moderate damage.

91      Epidemic or plague hits heavily populated area (affects people/animals.)

92      Earthquake causes major structural damage to urban sites.

93      Attempted coup to overthrow established governing body.

94      Invasion by hostile forces either ban land, sea, or air. Possible siege of fortified areas.

95      The appearance of a powerful demigod produces a fanatical new religious movement.

96      Civil war breaks out.

97      Unnatural distortions in reality causes ripples in time/space continuum (appearance of creatures from future/past.)

98      Massive volcanic eruption spews lava, super-heated mud, and ash all over the surrounding areas (possible climactic changes too.)

99      Fluctuations of Essence Flows negate magic items and severely restrict spell use.

100     Extra-dimensional rift allows bizarre alien life-forms to appear in area.


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