Dec 28, 2023

Your Past Comes Back To Haunt You


    This is a simple OD&D hack I made, inspired by Lamentations of the Flame Princess, Italian giallo and Hammer Horror films. It just covers quick and dirty character creation for one shots or con games. I was reading an old article about EGG and the games he was running in ~2007. It replicated some old forum posts where he wrote these little rules out. It was a very economical take on the base D&D chassis we know and love. So I twisted it into something about sorcery and witch hunts, a daemon-haunted no man's land.


Descending AC is preserved from OD&D and the Target 20 system is implemented. I know that symbol is supposed to be 'greater than or equal to' 20, but I still haven't figured that part out yet.

The skill system is a basic d6 one. It's inspired by the alternative playtest rules in Eldritch Cock. The six skills on there are just generic examples, they could be a lot more creative and tailored to the setting. Non-spies only unlock the skills they assign bonuses to, so it does give a little modicum of variety. All "unassigned" skills are a 0 out of 6. Not impossible with favorable modifiers, but probably not happening. I'm still working on that spell list...

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